Category Archives: Uncategorized

Retirement Planning: Strategies for Managing Income and Expenses

On this episode of “Tell Your Boss I Quit,” Pete Gutekunst discusses the importance of planning for retirement lifestyle costs, distinguishing between needs and wants. He addresses common concerns about withdrawing money in retirement and emphasizes the need for a structured approach to ensure a steady income flow. Join Pete as he guides listeners on … Continue reading Retirement Planning: Strategies for Managing Income and Expenses

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Navigating Inherited Assets: A Guide for Beneficiaries (ep 27)

On this episode of “Tell Your Boss I Quit,” Peter Gutekunst CFP, CLU, CRPS discusses the key differences in rules for inherited IRAs between spouses and non-spouses. He explains how spouses can roll over an inherited IRA to make it their own, while non-spouses would need to move it into an inherited IRA. Pete breaks … Continue reading Navigating Inherited Assets: A Guide for Beneficiaries (ep 27)

Transitioning from The Marines to The Financial Industry (ep 24)

If you believe that following the guidelines leads to better results, then Pete Gutekunst is the financial planner you have been looking for. As a Marine veteran, Pete understands the value of discipline and looking at finances strategically. In this episode, Pete shares his advice with people interested in joining the military, active service people, and veterans, discussing … Continue reading Transitioning from The Marines to The Financial Industry (ep 24)

Life After The Paycheck Ends: Retirement Planning Tips (Ep. 23)

Do you know how to plan for retirement and manage your finances after the paycheck ends? In this episode, Peter Gutekunst shares his insights on financial planning during retirement. Pete details the importance of learning and applying new strategies, having a spending plan, and working alongside your advisor while introducing the My Financial Bridge™ as … Continue reading Life After The Paycheck Ends: Retirement Planning Tips (Ep. 23)

The Pros and Cons of Financial Technology (Ep. 22)

With the advancement of technology, many of the tasks that were once complicated can now be simplified. However, when it comes to looking after our finances, technology can sometimes do more harm than good. Therefore, it is essential to carefully choose the right tools to aid us and avoid those that might sidetrack us. In … Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Financial Technology (Ep. 22)

Life Lessons Coming From A Coach and Leader with John Gronski — Part 2 (Ep. 21)

Summary: The last episode of Tell Your Boss I Quit! featured an interview with John Gronksi on how to be a successful leader. This time, you will find out more about John’s experiences and how they shaped his journey to becoming the coach and leader he is today. In this release, Peter Gutekunst continues the … Continue reading Life Lessons Coming From A Coach and Leader with John Gronski — Part 2 (Ep. 21)

The True Meaning of Leadership with John Gronski (Ep. 20)

Summary: Leadership is not about gaining respect from others. It’s about having values that influence others to do good for those around them. In this episode, Pete Gutekunst speaks with John Gronski, the founder and CEO of Leader Grove. John unpacks the three elements that define successful leaders. Having served in the Army and National … Continue reading The True Meaning of Leadership with John Gronski (Ep. 20)

New Year, New Focus (Ep. 19)

As 2023 approaches, many of us are already thinking about new goals. To avoid regrets, remember to plan these objectives. In this episode of Tell Your Boss I Quit!, Peter Gutekunst explains what needs to be taken into consideration to achieve our goals in 2023. By using the “what matters most” approach and helpful tools, … Continue reading New Year, New Focus (Ep. 19)

One Size Does Not Fit All When Investing (Ep. 18)

In contexts of high market uncertainty, we tend to compare previous experiences and act similarly. However, our investment could be at risk if we fail to accept that not all situations are identical. In this episode, Peter Gutekunst and Brian Henrysen sit down to talk about the typical historical perspectives and clichés that we hear … Continue reading One Size Does Not Fit All When Investing (Ep. 18)